“Our desire is to mentor and train the youth of South Africa to be the future leaders of the local church “

Meet Our Family

Meet Our Family

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

First Meeting

We were able to schedule our first meeting this week. What an answer to prayer. The last few weeks have been busy, with our mailings and phone calls. It is exciting for Heather and I to talk to our kids about going to the mission field and all of the details that it involves. Surprisingly the 2 older ones seem to understand what is going on. The questions are endless, especially from Madison who asks daily "When are we going to South Africa?"

The nights have finally started to cool off a bit and we have been able to go out in the evenings with the kids and play. If we let them they would play until they just fell over from exhaustion.

This last week we went to the science museum. The kids really enjoy interacting with the exhibits. Madison is our traveler so whenever we get a chance to go somewhere she is in heaven.

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